How to Use Your Existing Content

You have spent a lot of your business resources making sure you have excellent content as part of your digital marketing. Well, did you know that you can easily leverage this content into other uses so that you can more mileage out of it? However, it is much easier to use your content for other… View Article The post How to Use Your Existing Content appeared first on Brick Marketing – Digital Marketing Agency.

Originally Posted on Digital Marketing Blog by Nick Stamoulis

You have spent a lot of your business resources making sure you have excellent content as part of your digital marketing. Well, did you know that you can easily leverage this content into other uses so that you can more mileage out of it? However, it is much easier to use your content for other purposes if you do things right from the beginning. Here are some strategies that will help you more effectively repurpose the content you’ve already created:

Create a Versatile Content Market Strategy

How versatile is you content marketing strategy? Most people think that content only includes articles for the website or blog and maybe social media. However, this isn’t true. You need to create your content marketing strategy in a way that leaves room for growth. What this essentially means is that articles can form the core of your content marketing, but the article titles themselves should be “reusable”.

For example, if you spend time creating a content marketing strategy that aligns with your customer journey, it will make it so much easier to repurpose the information because all of the articles will align with your true objectives. If your content strategy for your blog is random and unfocused, it will only make things more difficult on you when you try to reuse what you have. It all starts with having a strategy that is well thought out. Note that you’ll want to focus on evergreen content.

Take Inventory of the Existing Content that You Have

Another key strategy is to make sure that you take inventory of the content that you do have. You don’t want to make your efforts more complicated by creating content that will just be a duplicate. For example, if you are meticulous about your content strategy, you will have specific topics that you’ve covered in your articles. You won’t need to repeat yourself.

Part of the magic of leveraging your content is that you can easily work with what you have, as long as you did things right in the first place. The goal is to extract any of your evergreen content from the list. This is the content that is easiest to repurpose.

Think About the Possibilities for Expansion

How you want to repurpose your content in order to expand your digital marketing efforts? Here are some ideas:

  • White Paper. A white paper can be broken up into smaller parts and used as articles and smaller reports. This is a great way to leverage the resources it took to create a white paper! Often, the resources needed for these are considerable.
  • Mac Content. You can turn any written content that you have into other formats, such as topics for podcasts, scripts for videos, and even visual content.
  • Articles. You an compile articles into longer works. For example, if you wrote a series of articles on a certain topic, you can repurpose them into an eBook or white paper. You can also convert a simple article into an email for your newsletter.

These are just some ideas, but it’s enough to help you see the possibilities. Once you create a piece, you can always use it for other things!

The post How to Use Your Existing Content appeared first on Brick Marketing – Digital Marketing Agency.